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Brook King

Your smile is what I loved! Nobody can ever forget that beautiful smile! Always the happiest child when at the daycare, we all loved seeing him come and leave with a smile upon his face! I'll never forget him, Love you Aveion!

Vickie K
I will never forget all the times Jeff brought Aveion to work to visit with everyone.  He was so proud and Aveion was so loved.  Find comfort in knowing that you brought him as much joy as he brought to you and everyone around him.  Aveion, you are a hero who I pray will bring change to this cruel world.  I'll never forget you. 
Lara Fralin
So many fun times were had at the daycare with Aveion. It was so cute watching him toddle around the room laughing and smiling! I'll never forget him, love you Aveion!! <3
Melissa Neece

Your grunts and smiles were beautiful memories.  I remember the days after naptime in daycare.  waking up and having to have a snack. Aveion loved those raisins, sweet thing how he would use his first finger and thumb to pick them up and so happy smacking those lips with enjoyment. Never forgotten love you aveion


Lindsay Peterson
We were all at my house for a photoshoot and Aveion and all of us were sitting in my living room, my little brother Thomas walked in and Aveion said "Ewwww white boy" it was the funniest thing.
Total Memories: 14
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