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Vanessa Thinking of you January 15, 2015
Just know that you were not forgotten.   You will live forever in some of our hearts.  Hope you are getting all the cuddles that a little boy could ask for.  You deserve them.
martha j soots Little Man November 22, 2011
Hi Little Man I have followed your short life story. Please know that you are loved . You are in the presence of our maker and he will always be by your side. Now you really know what it like to loved. R.I.P. Love you!

Sherry Hill Little Angel February 20, 2010
Aveion is in a better place now.  A place where we all would like to go when our time comes.  I want to express my condolances to both mother and the father.  I believe its time to come together during this time of grief putting past issues aside .  He is lost and he will be missed by many whose hearts he has touched during his short life. I feel great comfort in knowing God is holding him close in his loving arms.
Jillian To A Little Angel ( To Aveion) February 17, 2010
I've been following your story little man, we were only blessed to have you for a short while. All of my prayers and thoughts are with you, and my heart goes out to your family-even though we have never met. All I can say is be safe with Jesus, and sleep sound little angel. Rest in Peace
Letonjia Grant God loves Aveion February 8, 2010
How can I say thanks for the things that you have done for me, the voices of a million angels could not express my grattitude. All that I am and ever hope to be, I owe it all to you! Thank you God for the lives that you touched with this little angel Aveion!  We may not understand, but we trust you knowing that you are an awesome God! Rest in the bossom of the Lord little man! 
Rhiannon You Are Safe Now February 6, 2010
Jesus is going to take care of you now and you will never have to be scared again.
Aunt Jo to Angel Leah Avril Always in our Heart! February 2, 2010


You will never be forgotten.

cathy He's an angel now February 1, 2010

This child was a perfect excuse for life. He was truly a beautiful baby boy. Just know, God can not prevent evil from happening to a child here on earth, because since Adam and Eve chose to eat the forbidden fruit, they made a choice to become independent on earth. As now every human race on earth now has a choice to follow God's ways or follow the ways of evil. That beast chose not God, but the evil life and chose to harm that little guy.Now God will protect that child forever and assure he never hurts again. Peace be with Aveion's family who so loved him.

Venus Harris Little Aveion February 1, 2010

I did not know your family personally, but from day 1 of hearing of what happened my heart went out to your family.  Listening to the news everyday, I prayed for you more and more--hoping for the safe return of Aveion.   There is a saying that lingers in my mind which is "God wanted a flower to put in his vase and he chose Aveion."  Our continued prayers from my family to your family.  Let justice prevail.

Delaney Gift from God January 29, 2010
My thoughts and prayers go out to each and everyone who has been impacted by this tragedy.  I know Aveion is walking with our Lord now.  I pray for the family who has been affected by this that they get justice for Aveion and that they are able to know in there hearts that they will all be back together one day in Heaven. God bless you all!
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